Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Spy games

007...The name's Bond...James Bond....
I am a double agent and I work for her majesty's secret service...
Once I am ur best friend, next I am your enemy...
Even when I am in front of you, I spy on you...you being unaware of it...
I am selfish when you are busy praising my selflessness...
I am manipulative when you think I am innocent...

My neck is always at the end of the rope...
One mistake, the noose tightens and the service no longer remains secret...

This is one Case I am handling right now:

HER majesty assigned me the work of spying on someone...someone who writes and keeps everything in a diary...
My mission: Analyze the suspect
I went through all the diaries of the suspect...
Somehow I caught hold of all the records, entries, contacts of the suspect and I am using it for her Majesty's service against the suspect...
My job is to confuse and enrage the suspect by making false entries in the diary and then deleting them at the opportune moment, rattling the suspects thoughts, confusing them, playing around with them...all for HER MAJESTY's SECRET SERVICE

But the suspect was too smart for me...
The suspect found out all my moves, my spy-games...but my motive still remains unknown...

The secret of her secret service still remains unperturbed...
Her majesty is still satisfied by my work...

HELLO: I am the suspect...
I will not reveal my identity...
But all I can tell now is that HER MAJESTY's SECRET SERVICE is you yourself Mr. Bond...
The person in you who is a spy...and to satisfy that person...You are spying on me!

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